Your personal team of world-class writers.

We work with top startups (and their founders) who have brilliant stories to tell—but haven’t had the time, the energy, or the writing knowhow to hit a home run.

So how does it work?

We’ll sit down with you and figure out what content you want to share, where you want to share it, and why. Then, we’ll write it. And you’ll grow your audience, get more customers, build your brand... Really, whatever we decide our goal is.

— Carter & the team

Frequently (and infrequently) asked questions

Q: How big is the team?

It might be obvious from the glaringly amateur site design, but we are small. Our team is made up of fewer than 10 (often fewer than 5) of the best writers in tech. We maintain a client list of no more than 20 startups.

Most studios and agencies do the opposite: they scale to millions in ARR with big teams. While this makes more money, yes, it also erodes the thing we care about: Craft.

We like being a small writing shop with a handful of talented writers writing for a handful of our favorite startups. And so we don’t scale.

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Q: What kind of writing do you do?

We aim to be the best team in tech at writing two things: long-form explainer guides to complex topics, and high-converting sales copy.

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Q: Who even are you?

Good question. I’m Carter. I’ve written for hundreds of startup founders, authors, brands, and more. That includes a few names you may have heard of, like Julian Shapiro and James Clear. And plenty of people you haven’t heard of, but who are equally as amazing.

A while back, I got the idea to put together a writing collective. A group of the best writers I know, working together to produce great stuff. Uncommonly Bold was the result: a team of the best writers this side of the Mississippi (or any other major river, for that matter). 

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Q: Who do you work with?

We work with founders, execs, and brands who have a lot of brilliant ideas and stories to tell — but just haven’t had the time or the energy to publish them.

We usually write essays, blog posts, and social posts (like Twitter threads). But, so long as we’re confident at it, we’ll write you just about anything.

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Q: How does the process actually work?

We chat with you and figure out why what you’re building is important. We learn your goals. Then, we figure out what we need to write to help to accomplish those goals.

Finally, we get to work. We’ll run with your ideas and start writing based on the scope and platforms we’ve agreed on with you. This will take up 99% of our working relationship together, and it requires no work on your part.

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Q: How much do you charge?

We’ll run you at least $5k a month. Most people pay less than $10k. Naturally, though, it depends entirely on the project.

We also take on limited numbers of one-off, fixed-rate projects. If in doubt, reach out.

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Q: How do I know you’re not just using AI?

Trust me, you’ll know.

(There may come a day when AI can write the way people can write, but today is not that day.)

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Q: Why is this landing page so damn long?

A: The Nile, a rainbow in the Irish countryside, and the line outside of a Tartine in SF are all long, and yet they all lead to wonderful things. We like to think this landing page is, more or less, the same.*

*Said things being the Mediterranean Sea, a pot of gold, and delicious baked goods. And, if you work with us, some of the best writing you’ve ever laid eyes on.
